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Zhong Tai Long lean management startup Conference

Company news
2018/04/25 14:25
On the afternoon of October 19th, the long-awaited Conference on lean management was launched. The start up conference is sponsored by the Sino - Tai Long Group Lean
On the afternoon of October 19th, the long-awaited Conference on lean management was launched. The start up conference is sponsored by the Sino - Tai Long Group Lean Management Committee and co sponsored by 3A consultant. The 16 leaders, such as Chen Qiugui, chairman of the chairman of the group, were all present at the start of the conference. All the staff of the group participated in the start of the conference, reflecting the spirit of the full participation of lean management.
At 14:30, all members began to enter. Looking up, a colorful flag was flying in the direction of the wind. Beside the coloured flag, there are 11 teams who are full of energy and high spirits. They are the lean pioneers of each production unit. As the host made a sound command, they walked along with a strong pace. They were like the head of the chairman of Chen Qiugui and Dang Xinmin, the chairman of the 3A advisor, and the guests' review. The 11 avant-garde teams showed the good mental outlook of each unit and the high morale of promoting lean.
15:00, a "fight bar, brothers" dance detonated the atmosphere.
At 15:05, the lean management start meeting was officially opened. "All stand up, rise the national flag, play the National Anthem" with the voice of the host, the whole family of middle Tai Long, the hall resounds our solemn national anthem. After the flag raising ceremony, all the staff sang the theme song of Tulong, "soaring dragon". The people of the Zhongtai dragon home have deeply felt the strong and strong atmosphere of the country.
As the responsibility department carried out by the group lean management, the lean management implementation center carries the important mission of the group, guides the units to implement lean thinking, resolutely implements the company lean strategy, and promotes the development of the group. Cao Zhaohui, the center for lean management of the group, represents the office of innovation. He made an important speech in the conference, "shoulder heavy burden, no mission," emphasizing the importance and necessity of lean management. At the same time, he solemnly committed to the lean management in the implementation of lean management in order to play the leading role and supervision role. Benefit management to the ground and go all out.
Speech by Mr. Cao Zhaohui, director of the center for lean management
Ceng Furong, the head of the lean management project of Zhong Tai Long 3A, has made an important speech to the whole middle Talon "lean management thought", and explained the origin and development of lean thought and how to practice lean core ideas in our enterprise.
Ceng Furong, director of 3A, leader of lean management project
At 16:20, the most popular display of morale was finally arrived. Every team selected by the various departments was full of fighting spirit. A team displayed in front of the middle trolled family with military posture on the stage, the persistent eyes and the sound of promise, and fully demonstrated the firm support for lean and the confidence of winning to the people of the middle Tai Long family. This is a team "dare to fight, win the battle".
In order to promote the effective management of lean management in various units, the lean demonstration area is the benchmark. Xie Xiaodong, executive director of the group lean management committee, issued a demonstration card to each demonstration area. Fan Fanghong's deputy general manager, general manager of Yan Wenbin, and general manager of Liu Xiaocheng, in turn, represented the software product business department, the film product business department, and the paint products business department to explain the importance and necessity of the implementation of lean management, and in response to the group call in the conference, we attach great importance to the lean management.
Fan Fanghong, deputy general manager, general manager of Yan Wenbin, general manager Liu Xiaocheng
After the score of the chairman of the chairman of the chairman of the chairman of the 11 morale team, Chen Qiugui and Mr. Dang Xinmin, the chairman of the chairman of the chairman of the 11 morale team, the third production and career team took up the first place, the fourth production career team and the fifth production department, the wolf team, got second and third in turn. . Chairman Chen and the chairman of the party awarded them honorary cups and rich bonuses respectively. This is the affirmation of the efforts and efforts of the vanguards, and the encouragement to them as a vanguard in the implementation of lean management.
Mr. Dang Xinmin, the chairman of the 3A consultant, then made an important speech, "the road to the revival of the lean help in Tai dragon". The chairman of the party is a lean expert. He stressed that lean is the road to manufacture. Lean can boost mid Tai Long's career as a benchmark for the realization of the dream of the new ten years of Zhong Tai Long, and he also represents the 3A consultant team. Tai Lung promised to give full guidance to and support lean management. The chairman of the party appealed to all the Tai Lung people to shout the three speech, "thanks to China and Tai Lung".
Speech by Mr. Dang Xinmin, chairman of the 3A Consultant
Finally, Mr. Chen Qiugui, chairman of the China Tai Long group, made an important summary of the conference. Chairman Chen emphasized that lean management is an important strategic move for the company, and the whole group must implement it firmly. Today's lean start meeting, let chairman Chen think of the 30th anniversary celebration of the company, he put forward a great Zhongtai dragon dream of "strong enterprise, employees' happiness and taking up social responsibility". Now, after 34 years of ups and downs, China has gone through an extraordinary course of development, always moving forward with society and following the direction of national development. The realization of China and Thailand's dream must rely on the efforts and efforts of every Chinese Tai Long people. Similarly, Zhong Tai Long's brilliance created every Chinese Tai Long people.
Speech by Mr. Chen Qiugui, chairman of the middle Thai dragon group
With the confidence of victory, chairman Chen led the company leader and made collective oath.
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